Food Posts
This is a just a place for me to dump Photos of stuff I've eaten over the years, good and bad.
Shawarma over hummus
December 1st, 2019

I got this from the international food store near me, which also happens to also have a restaraunt inside of it. The food was great, hope I can go back there again sometime soon.
Fries and Jalapeno Poppers
November 14th, 2019

These things are almost perfect. The only thing that takes away from them is they're filled with chedder instead of cream cheese.
Buffalo Chicken and Pasta
February 15th, 2020

Have you ever tried putting buffalo sauce with a bunch of breaded chicken and pasta? It's amazing, and if you haven't you should totally try it.
Taco Bell Fries
February 24th, 2020

Taco Bell has made some great things over the years. This is one of them.
College Town Greek Food
March 15th, 2020
I'm going to college in Fall of 2020, and when visiting there to explore the town with one of my parents we decided to have some Greek food from one of the local places. It was the absolute best Greek food I've ever had in my entire life, hands down.
Homemade cookies
March 15th, 2020
These might look horrible, but they taste prettty good. Recipe is from here.
Homemade coffee cake
March 22nd, 2020

Who doesn't like coffee cake? ;)
Curbside pickup Mexican food
April 7th, 2020

Amazing salsa, great food. Proper Mexican food is on a whole different level to almost everything else.
Dairy Queen Burger and fires
May 1st, 2020

Went to Dairy Queen with one of my parents, and we decided to get some burgers.
Homemade Thai peanut noodles
May 9th, 2020

Made with spaghetti noodles, but hey. Noodles are noodles.
Candle S'mores
July 20th, 2020

Was craving a s'more, and it always tastes better cooked over a fire than in a microwave. So, I decided to improvise with what was convenient for me at the time ;)
First Homemade College Food
August 13th, 2020

Nice bowl of government cheese melted into shells and a bottle of Dr. Pepper
Lamb Burgers
August 29th, 2020

These were fun to throw together. Went to the local farmers market, and there was a vendor there selling some meat. Tried buying some ground beef, but he had run out. Asked if he had any other ground meats, and this was it. So I decided to go for it. Worked out really well surprisingly! They were a little bit more gamey than I'm used too, but overall the flavor was great. Better than turkey burgers. Makes sense though, lamb is a red meat.
Casey's Pizza
September 11th, 2020

Casey's! I don't have any of these back home, and I was incredibly surprised to learn this gas station makes its own pizzas. And even more surpising to me, they're open 24/7! And that means everything is open 24/7. Meaning I have literally decided "hey, I want a pizza" at 2 in the morning some nights, and got a freshly baked pizza from Casey's. This place is fantastic.
"Homemade" Cake
September 15th, 2020

As "homemade" as you can call throwing together some ingredients from a container is, heh. Picture was taken at 11:30pm, so me and my roommate were up late cooking. iirc we were out of eggs with this cake, so we used a couple containers of applesauce as a replacement, and it turned out really well. Happy we decided to throw this thing together.
Free Third Floor Cake
October 7th, 2020

So this thing is a story, lol. Me and my roommate were wandering around our dorm. We happened to be going through the different public fridges in the kitchens in the different floors. When had we walked down to the third floor, we were from the fourth this year, we found a cake with a sticky note on it saying "old cake, feel free to it!". So, we happily obliged!
But wait, there's more! We actually tried the cake, and oh my God it was... not good, lmao. So we ended up actually returning the cake back to the fridge we found it in.