You know, I'm not doing half bad with my attempts at DIY voice training
Like, I'm not going to post a clip of my speech, cause fuck that, lmao
But honestly... I'm kinda starting to like the speaking voice I'm starting to be able to get myself to speak in
It definitely peaks in and out of the range I want to remain within, and I'm unsure how it'll sound at different levels of volume. I've always been told I speak kinda loudly, so I'm unsure how that'll interact with the more feminine vocal range I'm moving into.
But yeah, voice training. Just trying to have fun with it, making slow iterative progress on making it more affirming to me. Most of my speech now is generally a bit higher now, and I'm feeling a lot better about my voice because of it
...I've mostly just been improving my range by trying to sing along to ABBA songs, if I'm being honest, hehe