Part 2!!!

Background used from here

Has been about 10 days, so figure I'd write another blog post with some updates!

Overall, not actually all that much has changed from the last blog post

The biggest things is I've switched from Celeste to just running an rclone copy using this shell script whenever I wanna sync my Google Drive and local sync of it

rclone copy --update "/run/media/vivian/data/Google Drive/" "google-drive:"

It works very well! Honestly, this is better than my experience using the official app. As long as Google doesn't ban my IP or something stupid like that, I intend to just do this forever.

And if they do ban my IP, then I'm just canceling my Google Drive subscription, lol

Otherwise, not much has really changed about my setup. I've got pretty much everything configured about how I want it now.

I definitely will continue to mess with things here and there to tune it just how I like, but overall I am very happy about having moved to Linux. This is pretty much a universally better experience than Windows for the way I use my computer

If you're at the point with Windows where you're installing like 5 different tools to fix the UI, running registry tweaks, poking through esoteric bits of the UI constantly, and increasingly messing around with the terminal... you should just switch to Linux.

I was at that point with Windows, and I am very happy I'm on an OS now that doesn't feel like it's fighting me anymore

2/10/25 Update: I've updated the rclone command since then to this to account for the Google Drive rate limit, and to show me the progress as it goes along

rclone copy --update "/run/media/vivian/data/Google Drive/" "google-drive:" --bwlimit=8.5M --progress