Content Warning:
Discussion of anxiety
The experience of anxiety, in excess, can easily become this feeling of sickness
It spills over and consumes. It takes over your every emotion, your every thought
There is no escape from it. Everything feeds the gnawing void
It feeds on your soul
It takes the world you live within, and sees the worst within it. It constructs the worst futures that are unlikely to ever come about, and even if they were you'd have plenty of time to adjust and react to it
Yet, you're locked in that feeling that things are ending. That everything is going to be over soon. That your life as it was is over, and that things will never be the same
And yet, tomorrow comes
And everything is still here
It is easy to get oneself caught up in fear over the happenings of the world. There's an infinite set of things that one can worry themselves into a fever about.
This is often discounted by people saying simply, "don't do that".
A simple platitude, just don't worry about the things you can't control. There's no point in getting caught up thinking about these things
Sometimes though, one cannot help but find themself falling into this feeling. They see the signs around them and see the worst in them. They see the threats as being the worst version of themself that they can be.
They see the world as harsh, evil, and capable of doing the worst to them
But... tomorrow comes. You will wake up on the other side of things, and the future will be more clear. The path forward will become clear. Even if things aren't better, the dread of the future will sharpen into a resolve on what one needs to do
One simply needs to give themself time, and find those who will support them through these things
People care about you. They will help you
I will feel as though I have fallen to never recover, I will rest, and I will rise again