Is it my place to create a garden of this forest?
Of these trees and paths and animals?
To rewrite it all once again into something new?
To create something more acceptable out of the forest?
Am I not trying to let my mind grow to what it is?
How am I to grow to who I am if I cut it all down again?
What is a garden if not a new suburb?
Should the forest not be allowed to live?
Should the forest be cut and filled and replanted into a garden?
Should it be something pretty and easy?
It should be itself, shouldn't it?
With all its thorns and brambles and thickets
With all its complications and creatures?
Is my mind a place for me to control?
Should I not learn to live within the forest of my mind?
Rather than forge a neo-suburbia for my mind to stay safe within?
I ask these questions, but the answer is clear
The forest must remain
But the groundskeeper wasn't wrong
She simply didn't realize she already had what she desired
The forest shall be tended, grown, and cherished
The flowers and ponds and trees
The forest shall mindfully be maintained
Nothing more must be destroyed
I simply need to embrace the forest for all that it is