Stories I Enjoy

Note: This page is a WIP. Most of the stories I actively keep up with aren't yet listed here. I'll get more stuff up here under the new formatting over the coming months. You can read a list of some of the stories I used to be more into a few years ago on this page

Title: Post-Self
Author: Madison Scott-Clary et al

Artwork by Iris Jay, cropped from the back cover of Nevi'im by The Lament for use as the official Post-Self logo

Original Description: "The Post-Self universe is an open setting for exploring the ramifications of being able to create copies of oneself, of what it means to undergo individuation, of what it means to let memories build up and up and up within oneself."[1]

Transhumanism, furries, mind uploading, furries, skunks, furries, skunks. I love the stories in this universe so much. The Post-Self Cycle series within the universe especially is amazing.

If you enjoy poking around my page, you're the kind of person who will like this story. Please do read it

Title: Runaway to the Stars
Author: Jay Eaten

Source from here on Jay Eaten's website

Original Description: "Runaway to the Stars is a hard scifi story focused on communication, accommodation, and everyday life in co-species spaces."[2]

Title: Drop-Out
Author: gray Folie
Content Warning: This story is about the contemplation of suicide

Cover page (not first page) of the story

This story is... legitimately traumatic to read. I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

I love it, it changed me fundamentally as a person (nothing to do with the story itself but it was the catalyst to me realizing I'm a lady). Just... be extremely careful and be very conscious of your own mental state before reading this


It is quite good

You can read also up on some of the stories I used to be into here