
This list will always be a WIP ^w^

Currently my techpages are under an active process of recategorization and resorting. All of these entries will eventually be moved to their own fitting subpages

Various computational devices, active & retired
Clicky clacky ^w^
Oculus Quest 2
Acquired: 11/19/23
Active Usage: 2023-Now

I'm not calling it a Meta Quest

Info: After my Rift S had the cable break, I wanted something with a bit more support. I wasn't happy going with another Facebook headset, however because all the PCVR options were garbage or overpriced, the Quest was basically my only choice.

Overall, it functions well. I pretty much exclusively use it to play PCVR games over Steam Link, but I've got no complaints about using it for that. There's some annoyances that come with what it is, but all-in-all it does everything I want it to do. Haven't used it much as of mid-2024, should pick it up again and start doing some more stuff with it again soon.

Oculus Rift S
Acquired: 11/28/20
Active Usage: 2020-2023

Info: First proper VR headset I've ever owned myself. For an example of me using my headset, check out this video

As of 2023, the cable for this headset is broken, so it's as good as dead as replacements are over $100. So this coming summer I'll probably bet getting myself a new one

Panasonic LX-101 LaserDisc Player
Acquired: 1/3/20

Info: Managed to score this for $20. Was a bit dirty when I got it, but it's pretty much fully functional. The only real issue is I believe the laser inside the thing is a bit dirty and has some trouble reading discs, which I'll need to open it up and clean off the laser diode in order to fix.

Specs: NTSC; Plays Laserdisc, CD, and CD Video; Connected to computer monitor via cheap composite to HDMI converter

Game Boy Color
Acquired: 9/4/19
Active Usage: 2019-Now*

Info: Got incredibly lucky and found this thing at a thrift store for $3, fully functional. In order to make it more usable I bought a Tetris cartridge and battery cover for it for about $10, and with that this thing is amazing. The non-backlit screen though is a bit hard to get used to though, heh

Specs: It's a Game Boy Color

Sears SR 1000 C Series Typewriter
Acquired: 7/11/19
Active Usage: 2019-2021ish

Info: There were two avaliable at the thrift store I got this at, but this one had the top cover still. Has an internal computer, correction tape, and as of right now very cheap replacement cartridges avaliable online for this daisywheel typewriter. Works great.

Update: Eventually I decided to give this back to Goodwill, as I never ended up using it for anything. Not exactly much practical use for a typewriter for a person that writes everything online. Hopefully someone else gets better use out of it.

Magnavox CRT TV & Nintendo Gamecube
TV Acquired: 10/18/18
Gamecube Acquired: 6/20/18
Active Usage: 2018-2018

CRT Info: Got for me by my mother from a garage sale, sadly a capacitor blew after a couple weeks of usage and the machine is now a very heavy paperweight. I no longer own this TV because of that

GameCube Info: Bought at a thrift store while visiting family in Pennsylvania for roughly $20. Fan doesn't work and didn't work even when I replaced the whole fan and power supply, so I believe something is wrong with the Gamecube motherboard itself. Because of that, like the TV, it functions as pretty much just a paperweight.