In the quest of trying to nail down a bit better who I am, I think it's important to note that my fursona, Vivian, is not the entirety of who I am as a person, Vi.

Vivian is part of me, without a single doubt. I do wish I had a more vulpine body

But with any creation made by oneself, only segments of themself become infused in their creation, not the whole

Vivian is part of me, but she is not me

Vi is a label for myself, and it's one better fitting than trying to stamp Vivian's name onto the entirety of myself. But it is only that, a label in attempts to describe the indescribable. Nobody can fully articulate the ways in which they exist as a person. It is an ever changing process of a person re-navigating themselves and becoming someone new.

The me of today is not the me of yesterday, and it shall not be the me of tomorrow. The change from one to the other is slow and iterative, faster at times when allowing oneself to process all that is different and not restricting ones own behavior. But nonetheless, it is a constant and slow march from what one is to what they shall become

Yes I know the blog posts recently have been a bit harder to parse recently. Much more personal thoughts and identity stuff rather than me just posting about keyboards and whatnot. But is this not a purpose of the internet; to have a place to find oneself by being uplifted from the physical self?

I don't quite understand my own thoughts all that clearly at the moment, however I am greatly enjoying writing these posts in an attempt to try and navigate some of the feelings I've been having over the past few months.